
We’re thrilled you’ve found something you love in our vast collection of treasures. To make bringing those treasures home as easy as possible, we offer a variety of payment options. Here’s everything you need to know to navigate the checkout seas smoothly.

Secure Checkout, Always

Your security is our top treasure! We ensure every transaction on Chiody is protected with the most advanced encryption technology. Shopping with us is not just fun; it’s safe.

Ways to Pay

Credit and Debit Cards

  • Visa: For shopping sprees or just a little something.
  • MasterCard: For all your heart’s desires.
  • American Express: For those who love a bit of luxury.


For those who prefer a speedy checkout, PayPal is your go-to. Safe, and secure, and you don’t even need to pull out your card.

Payment Issues?

Experiencing turbulence at checkout? Here are a few tips:

  • Double-check your card details. Even explorers make typos!
  • Ensure your card hasn’t expired. Time flies when you’re having fun, after all.
  • Verify you have sufficient funds. Treasures can be tempting, we know.
  • If you’re still facing issues, contact your bank. Sometimes, they’re overly protective of your treasure chest.

Refunds and Cancellations

Change your mind? We understand. Check out our Refunds and Returns page for details on how to cancel your order or get a refund. We aim for your shopping experience to be as flexible and hassle-free as your adventures.

Questions or Concerns?

Need a helping hand? Our customer service team is like your trusty map and compass, ready to guide you through any queries or concerns about payment. Reach out to us here.

Let’s Go Shopping!

Now that you’re all set with the knowledge of our treasure trove of payment options, it’s time to complete your journey to checkout. Happy shopping, and may your cart be as full of joy as your heart is after exploring Chiody!

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